Watch your brand soar by establishing a clear, strategic foundation with this one day intensive.


As experts in consumer behavior and brand development, our signature framework cuts through the fluff, delivering tangible value to your clients. We create a brand that appeals broadly, crafting a narrative that makes you stand out amidst the noise. With our Brand Development Intensive, gain the blueprint for your brand's success, all without the commitment of a monthly retainer. Elevate your brand with a professional, strategic touch.

A brand development intensive with our brand experts


  • Custom Brand Strategy (40+ page document that includes robust competitive analysis, SWOT analysis, comparative analysis, target audience and persona development, voice and tone, unique value proposition, core messaging and positioning, taglines + website copy guidance, SMART goals, social platform recommendations, hashtags, keywords, content themes, content ideas, typography recommendations (if desired), color palette recommendations (if desired)….and more!)⁠

  • Feed Aesthetic Styling Based on Your Branding (what your socials will look & feel like to your audience)⁠

  • 10 Branded Feed Post Templates⁠

  • 10 Branded Story Post Templates⁠

  • 30 Days of Custom Content Prompts⁠

  • 15 Days of Custom Story Prompts⁠

  • Hashtag Strategy

  • Launch Plan recommendation for new product, offering, or brand ⁠(if applicable)

    Pricing: $4,200

How it works

  • We kick off with an onboarding questionnaire that has detailed questions including your brand mission, goals, challenges, audience, analytics, branding, etc. This helps us understand where you are vs where you want to go.

    Following the questionnaire, we schedule a kickoff call where we come with questions to help us fill in any gap of knowledge we need in order to get started.

  • After our kick off call, the VYNE team goes behind the scenes and begins a comprehensive brand and competitive analysis. From there, we put together the robust brand strategy!

  • Upon completing the brand strategy, the VYNE team will meet with you and present our findings and strategy. Following the meeting, we take any feedback and make changes or we send you the final document to use as you go create marketing magic!

Our intensive is for brands that..

  • Can manage their digital marketing but don’t have a strong foundation and want to be sure in their approach.

  • Have someone on their team who can manage their socials and other digital marketing software, but they want them to do it right with strategy-backed content. ⁠

  • Want an outside, strategic perspective on their business and the marketing efforts for their brand.

  • Want direction, strategy, and clarity regarding their digital marketing.⁠

  • Want to uniquely speak to their target audience and explore ways to reach new markets.

  • Aren't quite ready to invest in full-time marketing and social media management but would love the help and guidance of an agency.

Ready to elevate your brand?